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Welcome Aboard
{{UserData.UserName}} Happy Anniversary! Celebrating {{item.LSADuration}} year(s) together.
Happy Birthday!
On behalf of all the members and the management, we would like to extend our warmest welcome and good wishes!
Thank you for your effort and dedication!
On behalf of all the members and the management, we would like to wish you a Very Happy Birthday!
{{Survey.SurveyName}}Take the survey and earn
Your insights and opinion matters to us
{{Survey.Days<=0?'Closes Today':(Survey.Days +' Days Left')}} | Closes on {{Survey.EndDate | date : format : timezone}}
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Balance - {{UserData.Points}} Points You don't have points {{'Get Engaged!'}}Recognition Summary
- {{RecogReceived>0?RecogReceived:'_'}} Recognitions Received
- {{RecogSent>0?RecogSent:'_'}} Recognitions Sent
- {{PendingActions>0?PendingActions:'_'}} Pending Actions
- {{uncliamedCount>0?uncliamedCount:'_'}} Unclaimed Rewards
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- {{workItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Happy Anniversary ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{workItem.UserName | capitalize:true}} | {{workItem.NoOfYears}}{{workItem.NoOfYears>1?' Years':' Year'}} {{workItem.IsTodayEvent==false?(workItem.EventDate | date : format : timezone):''}} {{workItem.IsTodayEvent==true?'Send a Wish':'Schedule a Wish'}} Already Wished Already Scheduled
{{newItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Welcome Aboard ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{newItem.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{'Send a Wish'}} Already Wished
{{birthDayItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Happy Birthday ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{birthDayItem.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{birthDayItem.EventDate | date : format : timezone}} {{birthDayItem.IsTodayEvent==true?'Send a Wish':'Schedule a Wish'}} Already Wished Already Scheduled
- {{workItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Happy Anniversary ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{workItem.UserName | capitalize:true}} | {{workItem.NoOfYears}}{{workItem.NoOfYears>1?' Years':' Year'}} {{workItem.IsTodayEvent==false?(workItem.EventDate | date : format : timezone):''}} {{workItem.IsTodayEvent==true?'Send a Wish':'Schedule a Wish'}} Already Wished Already Scheduled
{{newItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Welcome Aboard ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{newItem.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{'Send a Wish'}} Already Wished
{{birthDayItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Happy Birthday ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{birthDayItem.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{birthDayItem.EventDate | date : format : timezone}} {{birthDayItem.IsTodayEvent==true?'Send a Wish':'Schedule a Wish'}} Already Wished Already Scheduled
{{leader.UserName | capitalize:true}}
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has received
by {{feed.IsDirectRecognized?feed.RecognizedByName:feed.NominatedByName}}
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by {{feed.IsDirectRecognized?feed.displayImgR[0].RecognizedByName:feed.displayImgR[0].NominatedByName}}
Reward Description
- {{feedData.RewardDescription}}
Company-Wide Goal(s)
- {{companyWide.Name}}
Operative Goal(s)
- {{Operatives.Name}}
Value(s) Demonstrated
- {{item.Attributes}}
{{feed.IsDirectRecognized? "Recognizer's" : "Nominator's"}} Comment
Reward Description
{{feed.NewsByName}} has shared a post on {{feed.ModifiedOn | date : format : timezone}}
Challenge {{feed.WellnessName}} {{feed.IsWellnessExpiry==true?'':'is LIVE'}}
[This challenge is expired/discontinued. Contact your program administrator for further details.]
Take the Challenge | Earn
- {{feed.FollowingCount>0?feed.FollowingCount:''}} {{feed.IsFollowedFeed?'Following':'Follow'}}
{{(Math.floor(comment.Month/12))+1}}y {{comment.Month}}m {{comment.Day}}d {{comment.Hours}}h {{comment.Minutes>0?comment.Minutes+'min':'Just now'}} Edited
{{(Math.floor(subcomment.Month/12))+1}}y {{subcomment.Month}}m {{subcomment.Day}}d {{subcomment.Hours}}h {{subcomment.Minutes>0?subcomment.Minutes+'min':'Just now'}} Edited
- Reply
Recommended image size 600px * 300px (JPEG / PNG)
File type supported - .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pdf.
Maximum file size - 5MB
{{TeamMember.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{TeamMember.DesignationName | cut:true:30:' ...'}} | {{TeamMember.DepartmentName | cut:true:30:' ...'}}
Reward Description
- {{RecogData.RewardDescription}}
Company-Wide Goal(s)
- {{companyWide.Name}}
Operative Goal(s)
- {{Operatives.Name}}
Value(s) Demonstrated
- {{item.Attributes}}
{{recognitionsActivity.IsDirectRecognized? "Recognizer's" : "Nominator's"}} Comment
Add the user by clicking the checkbox in the Select column. If you want to add all the users, click the checkbox next to the Select Column.
- Designation{{UserData.DesignationName}}
- Department {{UserData.DepartmentName}}
- Reporting Location{{UserData.LocationName}}
- Working Location{{UserData.WorkingLocationName}}
Received -
Sent -
You have
{{'Redeem'}} You don't have points
{{'Get Engaged!'}}
- Do you have a recognition code?
Welcome Aboard
{{UserData.UserName}} Happy Anniversary! Celebrating {{item.LSADuration}} year(s) together.
Happy Birthday!
On behalf of all the members and the management, we would like to extend our warmest welcome and good wishes!
Thank you for your effort and dedication!
On behalf of all the members and the management, we would like to wish you a Very Happy Birthday!
- {{item.RewardName | cut:true:20:' ...'}}
- {{item.TotalRewards}}
Earned -
- {{UserPointData.SpentPoint | number}} Redeemed
- {{UserPointData.RemainingmPoint | number}} Balance
You don't have points
Get Engaged! {{'Redeem Your Points >'}}
- {{workItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Happy Anniversary ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{workItem.UserName | capitalize:true}} | {{workItem.NoOfYears}}{{workItem.NoOfYears>1?' Years':' Year'}} {{workItem.IsTodayEvent==false?(workItem.EventDate | date : format : timezone):''}} {{workItem.IsTodayEvent==true?'Send a Wish':'Schedule a Wish'}} Already Wished Already Scheduled
{{newItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Welcome Aboard ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{newItem.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{'Send a Wish'}} Already Wished
{{birthDayItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Happy Birthday ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{birthDayItem.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{birthDayItem.EventDate | date : format : timezone}} {{birthDayItem.IsTodayEvent==true?'Send a Wish':'Schedule a Wish'}} Already Wished Already Scheduled
- {{workItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Happy Anniversary ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{workItem.UserName | capitalize:true}} | {{workItem.NoOfYears}}{{workItem.NoOfYears>1?' Years':' Year'}} {{workItem.IsTodayEvent==false?(workItem.EventDate | date : format : timezone):''}} {{workItem.IsTodayEvent==true?'Send a Wish':'Schedule a Wish'}} Already Wished Already Scheduled
{{newItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Welcome Aboard ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{newItem.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{'Send a Wish'}} Already Wished
{{birthDayItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Happy Birthday ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{birthDayItem.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{birthDayItem.EventDate | date : format : timezone}} {{birthDayItem.IsTodayEvent==true?'Send a Wish':'Schedule a Wish'}} Already Wished Already Scheduled
{{leader.UserName | capitalize:true}}
Welcome Aboard
{{UserData.UserName}} Happy Anniversary! Celebrating {{item.LSADuration}} year(s) together.
Happy Birthday!
On behalf of all the members and the management, we would like to extend our warmest welcome and good wishes!
Thank you for your effort and dedication!
On behalf of all the members and the management, we would like to wish you a Very Happy Birthday!
- {{Survey.SurveyName}}
Take the survey and earn
Your insights and opinion matters to us
- {{Survey.Days<=0?'Closes Today':(Survey.Days +' Days Left')}} Closes on {{Survey.EndDate | date : format : timezone}} Take the Survey
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has received
by {{feed.IsDirectRecognized?feed.RecognizedByName:feed.NominatedByName}}
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by {{feed.IsDirectRecognized?feed.displayImgR[0].RecognizedByName:feed.displayImgR[0].NominatedByName}}
Reward Description
- {{feedData.RewardDescription}}
Company-Wide Goal(s)
- {{companyWide.Name}}
Operative Goal(s)
- {{Operatives.Name}}
Value(s) Demonstrated
- {{item.Attributes}}
{{feed.IsDirectRecognized? "Recognizer's" : "Nominator's"}} Comment
Reward Description
{{feed.NewsByName}} has shared a post on {{feed.ModifiedOn | date : format : timezone}}
Challenge {{feed.WellnessName}} {{feed.IsWellnessExpiry==true?'':'is LIVE'}}
[This challenge is expired/discontinued. Contact your program administrator for further details.]
Take the Challenge | Earn
- {{feed.FollowingCount>0?feed.FollowingCount:''}} {{feed.IsFollowedFeed?'Following':'Follow'}}
{{(Math.floor(comment.Month/12))+1}}y {{comment.Month}}m {{comment.Day}}d {{comment.Hours}}h {{comment.Minutes>0?comment.Minutes+'min':'Just now'}} Edited
{{(Math.floor(subcomment.Month/12))+1}}y {{subcomment.Month}}m {{subcomment.Day}}d {{subcomment.Hours}}h {{subcomment.Minutes>0?subcomment.Minutes+'min':'Just now'}} Edited
- Reply
Recommended image size 600px * 300px (JPEG / PNG)
File type supported - .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pdf.
Maximum file size - 5MB
{{TeamMember.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{TeamMember.DesignationName | cut:true:30:' ...'}} | {{TeamMember.DepartmentName | cut:true:30:' ...'}}
Nominated by - {{recognitionsActivity.NominatedByName}} Recognized by - {{recognitionsActivity.RecognizedByName}} - {{isOpen[$index]?'View Less':'View More'}}
Reward Description
- {{RecogData.RewardDescription}}
Company-Wide Goal(s)
- {{companyWide.Name}}
Operative Goal(s)
- {{Operatives.Name}}
Value(s) Demonstrated
- {{item.Attributes}}
{{recognitionsActivity.IsDirectRecognized? "Recognizer's" : "Nominator's"}} Comment
Add the user by clicking the checkbox in the Select column. If you want to add all the users, click the checkbox next to the Select Column.
- {{workItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Happy Anniversary ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{workItem.UserName | capitalize:true}} | {{workItem.NoOfYears}}{{workItem.NoOfYears>1?' Years':' Year'}} {{workItem.IsTodayEvent==false?(workItem.EventDate | date : format : timezone):''}} {{workItem.IsTodayEvent==true?'Send a Wish':'Schedule a Wish'}} Already Wished Already Scheduled
{{newItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Welcome Aboard ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{newItem.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{'Send a Wish'}} Already Wished
{{birthDayItem.UserID==UserData.UserId?'Happy Birthday ':'' | capitalize:true}}{{birthDayItem.UserName | capitalize:true}}
{{birthDayItem.EventDate | date : format : timezone}} {{birthDayItem.IsTodayEvent==true?'Send a Wish':'Schedule a Wish'}} Already Wished Already Scheduled
{{leader.UserName | capitalize:true}}
You have not received any recognition yet!
Welcome Aboard!
{{UserData.UserName}} Happy Anniversary!
Celebrating {{PendingRewardData.PlateauList[0].LSADuration}} year(s) together.
Happy Birthday!
On behalf of all the members and the management, we would like to extend our warmest welcome and good wishes!
Thank you for your effort and dedication!
On behalf of all the members and the management, we would like to wish you a Very Happy Birthday!
Congratulations {{UserData.UserName}} on {{PendingRewardData.PlateauList[0].LSADuration}} year(s) Service Anniversary!
- {{item.RewardName}}
Preview & Print Recognition Certificate
- {{MyRecogCer?goal.GoalsName:''}}{{RecogByMeCer?goal.Name:''}}
- {{MyRecogCer?goal.GoalsName:''}}{{RecogByMeCer?goal.Name:''}}
- {{item.Attributes}}
- {{MyRecogCer?goal.GoalsName:''}}{{RecogByMeCer?goal.Name:''}}
- {{MyRecogCer?goal.GoalsName:''}}{{RecogByMeCer?goal.Name:''}}
- {{value.Name}}
There is no recognition to display.
Preview & Print Recognition Certificate
- {{MyRecogCer?goal.GoalsName:''}}{{RecogByMeCer?goal.Name:''}}
- {{MyRecogCer?goal.GoalsName:''}}{{RecogByMeCer?goal.Name:''}}
- {{item.Attributes}}
- {{MyRecogCer?goal.GoalsName:''}}{{RecogByMeCer?goal.Name:''}}
- {{MyRecogCer?goal.GoalsName:''}}{{RecogByMeCer?goal.Name:''}}
- {{value.Name}}
Nominated by - {{recognitionsActivity.NominatedByName}} Recognized by - {{recognitionsActivity.RecognizedByName}}